What prevents us from paying more compliments?

 أقال الاتحاد الإسباني لكرة القدم مدرب الفريق الأول لويس إنريكي بعد إقصاء "لاروجا" بركلات الترجيح من قبل المغرب في نهائي كأس العالم لكرة القدم 2022 في قطر ، وعين لويس من المصدر مكانه. وأبلغ الرئيس لويس روبياليس والمدير الرياضي خوسيه فرانسيسكو مولينا المدرب بالقرار ".

وأشار إلى أنه قدم تقريراً "تقرر فيه إطلاق مشروع جديد لفريق كرة القدم الإسباني بهدف مواصلة النمو الذي تحقق في السنوات الأخيرة بفضل عمل إنريكي ومساعديه". وفي بيان ثان ، أعلن الاتحاد الإنجليزي تعيين دي لا فوينتي مدربًا لفريقه الأول ، وقال الاتحاد الإسباني في بيانه إن دي لا فوينتي "سيعرض يوم الاثنين وستبدأ مسيرته في مارس. 

 مباريات تصفيات EM المخطط لها في ألمانيا عام 2024.

Using performance evaluation as an excuse... ExxonMobil layoffs up to 10% of its employees each year.

 Bloomberg reported yesterday that Exxon Mobil is the largest manufacturer, citing people familiar with the matter. The American oil company plans to lay off 5% to 10% of its U.S.

 offices every year for the next three to five years.

 The Bloomberg report added that the layoffs will target employees who lag behind their peers in the performance appraisal program, and Exxon Mobil faces the arduous task of changing course to appease investors frustrated by cost overruns. In this regard, ExxonMobil spokesperson Casey Norton stated that the company has been using performance appraisal procedures "for several years" and is "completely unrelated to any layoff plans. Finally, the company announced layoffs.

 Global headcount-by 2021 There will be an increase of 14,000 people by the end of the year. By the end of 2020, the company has approximately 72,000 regular employees.

Have Bitcoin owners become rich?


As someone who has been writing about cryptocurrency for the past six years, I have become accustomed to countless fanatics and “Internet trolls” attacking me every time I criticize Bitcoin. Although such provocations annoy me, I regard them as part of my job and tend to ignore them. However, the increasingly popular insult finally caught my attention because it inadvertently undermined the selfless goal of the Bitcoin camp: "Enjoy poverty.

 This joke has become so popular in the cryptocurrency world that the song is To commemorate him. It was also printed. On some T-shirts. This insult is aimed at people like me who do not deal with cryptocurrency when in doubt. The opinion is still that the price of the currency will continue to rise, so people who do not buy it Will fall into poverty, and those who invest in it will become very wealthy. It is similar to a "Ponzi scheme" because it is. Although Bitcoin lacks some traditional functions, such as bosses, central administrators, or money transfers, there are other functions Available.

 For example, whoever enters the game first must involve other users to ensure the continuity of the process.Many of them describe themselves as "digital currency experts" and claim that these currencies are a solution to various financial and economic problems that are usually beyond their jurisdiction. For example, the famous Bitcoin miner Anthony Pompliano publicly posted his 1 million on Twitter. Follower: “Every bull market, that is, a market with high growth rates, must [discover] a new class of crypto enthusiasts. Instability is the motto. Martin Walker, Director of Banking and Finance, Evidence Management Center, said in this case:” Technically speaking, the cryptocurrency system does not work like a (Ponzi) scheme, but the end result is the same.

 "He explained, "The genius of playing cryptocurrency is that you really don't need to have income to pay anyone, so you won't run out of funds by making people believe (the numbers are growing). The miners don’t explain, and some people don’t even know that this is a zero-sum game: in other words, not everyone can get rich through it. Experts comment, you will find that they do not recognize this, nor do they think that this system will only make the people at the top of the pyramid rich. Instead, the entire analysis revolves around "financial democratization." "Increase economic freedom" or fight against evil central bankers who want to exaggerate the value of our currency.

 When El Salvador finally announced that it would accept Bitcoin as its official currency, I was bombarded by reports about how it will increase financial inclusion, accelerate economic growth, and of course increase the price of Bitcoin. These senders don’t seem to mention that more than 89% of the 21 million “bitcoins” that might exist one day were originally created or “mined” and are currently in other people’s wallets because they are ready to bring them to newbies for download .They also do not worry about the huge wealth inequality in the cryptocurrency world.

 A recent report by Glassnode shows that 2% of the organizations on the network control three-quarters of all bitcoins. With this in mind, finance and business columnist Francis Coppola believes that “the inequality of'Bitcoin' is much more serious than that of any official currency,” and added, “Because the tax cannot be reached, renewed It becomes very difficult to distribute them. Why don’t the reviews include all of them? The question is that “crypto experts” gain this “experience” by immersing themselves in the game. You will rarely find that any of them are not cryptocurrency investors. So there is no financial incentive to help their prices rise.

 Pompliano thinks this is enough for us to hear such a voice, as he recently said on Twitter: "Never ignore the opinions of those who are not participating in the game. "However, he is one of the "experts" who shouldn't listen. The reason for this is that if Bitcoin becomes popular, more people will need to buy coins that really belong to some people, and the former cryptocurrency collectors among the world's elites will Do it now. A new super realm.